Kristin (Was Never Here)

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Kristin was never here [ch]
Kristin was never here
(You) didn’t see her slip in the back way
You didn’st see her float up the stairs
You didn’t see her perfect hand on my door
Because Kristin was never here

She loves me twice as much as him
Lord, I know that’s true
but she loves those kids 10000 times more
and, man, I know that too

Nothing adds up or works out right
Nothing’s gonna make it so
I’ve run the numbers a million times
at the bottom line I gotta go

one last time (I swear) we only kissed
for a moment there were only two
eternity is where parallel lines meet
and all lies are true



Too Much Trouble Christine

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You’re Too Much Trouble, Christine

You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
So Why do I love you, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine

Christine on a beach, Christine on a plane
Christine in a cafe with the boulevardiers
Christine on the set Christine in my head
Christine in my heart and tearing up my bed

You’re too much trouble, Christine…

Christine I’m terrified just holding your hand
Christine you twist me like no one else can
Christine you’re crazy but you got a plan
world domination begins with one man

You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine
So Why do I love you, Christine
You’re too much trouble, Christine



When Ashley Said Goodbye

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When Ashley Said Goodbye

Amber said hello when Ashley said good-bye
I said hold on but there’s no wondering why
when love wants in, love can knock down yer door

I said Amber, I think this is forever
she said baby youre yanking on my tether
when all is said and done love will even up the score

Love will fool ya love can kill ya
love is all that love can give ya
and still you keep coming back for more

love is funny; love is cruel
love’ll make einstein act just like a fool
love’ll make a tomcat dive in-a swimin pool

All these toys all these games
all these pretty dollhouses going up in flames
if you play around enough you know you’re gonna get burned

Love will fool ya love can kill ya
love is all that love can give ya
and still you keep coming [crawling] back for more

AYoS 2007-01-09 played with capo on 3… blues vamp in G minor with turnaround on my fave Csus mod thing (005500 in rel to capo)

[aka Forever, aka Amber Said Hello, aka Amber Said Forever (early version)



The Triple Zip Flip

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The Triple Zip Flip

Some people say its the end of the world
I say “C’mon all you boys and grab a girl”
Some people tell you it’s the end of time
I say “all the more reason to get off the dime”

ch: It’s been a long long journey
hope you liked the trip
c’mon everybody
Do the Triple Zip Flip

Maybe there’ll be famine, maybe flood
for sure there’ll be suffering and rivers of blood
but that’s just one more year like all the rest
another year older and closer to death
The mighty shall tremble
the wicked shall fall
about the same time the good folks
learn how not to crawl

judgement will come
judgement is due
let’s just hope they don’t
judge — me and you
its just like the prophet said long ago
first there is Knowledge then the neighborhood goes
one little taste it all gets way out of hand
write a few lines of code make a world out of sand
They say Information just wants to be free
but so far it’s been trapped inside of you and me
but I hear that info has got a new plan
to go live in cyberspace and make a monkey out of man
(C)1996 TK Major

[and though I have rejected the last verse it extends the former verse and actually ties together the development of the song… or maybe not…]



Don’t Let Dee Dee Dog You ‘Round

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Don’t Let Dee Dee Dog You ‘Round

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
If you knew her old tricks you’d haul yer bones outta town
Let me share the wisdom that the pack has found
don’t let Dee Dee — dog you ’round

You’re new round here
so let me clue you in
there’s a firestorm of trouble
you’re about to jump in
her name is Deborah Dale
won’t wanna hear that again
‘Cause Dee Dee means danger — and damnable sin

We all ’round here we’ve seen it before
we pretty much know what you’ve got in store
she’ll rip out your heart and tear up your soul
there ain’t a man here in town that she can’t control
–all the same, we all love Deborah Dale

In the trailer parks
and the liquor stores
in the strip mall lounges
‘midst the strip mall mores
one light shines above all the rest
its the same flame that draws
the moths to their deaths

Don’t let Dee Dee…

A fool and his money are soon famous round here
and the vampires have radar for a fool full of beer
most suck out your money then they leave you alone
but Dee Dee don’t stop til she’s drained out your soul

We all ’round here we’ve seen it before
we pretty much know what you’ve got in store
she’ll rip out your heart and tear up your soul
there ain’t a man here in town that she can’t control
–all the same, we all love Deborah Dale

Don’t let Dee Dee dog you ’round
If you knew her old tricks you’d haul yer bones outta town
Let me share the wisdom that the pack has found
don’t let Dee Dee — dog you ’round.




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AKA Get Down Baby (Get Out Tonight)

Everywhere sez you love me but ya
seldom read the truth
But when I look into your eyes
I can see who’s getting screwed

Get down, baby. Get packed,
get out tonight.
You’re gone, baby,
that’s right you heard me right.

A secret’s not a secret
unless it has been told
our private life’s not really ours
’til all the rights are sold.

Get down, baby…

you will get some mileage
from that small town trollop trip
but the journey’s strictly one way, babe
and heavenward ain’t it

Get down, baby…

his-tory will tell who-won the
battle for the truth
until-that-time let’s-keep the reading light
your quickie paperback will do
Get down, baby…
get packed, get out tonight
you’re gone
that’s right
you heard me right




World So Big

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(c) 1996 TK Major (Jan 14, 1996)
Em ~ Em9 ~
Am ~ Em 9

alt chords

em am c em
The world is so big; then again the world’s so small
am c d em
The world is so big — then again it’s all so small
am9/E bm c b7 em
I might be in your arms tomorrow night
or I might never make it home (to you) at all

True Love, Baby, the bottom drops out
and then you fall
[ditto with out the baby]
It only happens one time baby
but if your lucky maybe not at all

I could live a thousand lifetimes
and ne-ver for-get a single one of your lies
I could die a million times
ant the ghost of you would still draw me back to life



Michelle (It’s Easy to Be Sad)

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Michelle (It’s Easy to Be Sad)

Ma Bell was such a strange career choice
I know you did it to be around all them pretty boys
but I’m afraid you will never be annoyed
by smooth operators down in the break room
they’ve all got something better to do

Ma bell was no place to meet boys
all the best they’re all just someone else’s broken toys
all of the strut and all of the noise
all the clothes and all the poise
they’ve all got something else to do

It’s a saturday night michelle
It’s a saturday night michelle
It’s a saturday night michelle
And when Monday Morning comes around
You know you’ll hear how it all went down
and you know how it’ll make you feel
the same old loneseome way
It’s easy to be sad
when all your boyfriends are gay

am d til chorus break (when monday…)
then Ff Gg AmGFF F G AM Am


down in the operator break room

Ma Bell was such a strange career choice
I know you did it to be around all them pretty boys
but I’m afraid you wont be annoyed by wolves in the break room
’cause everyones down in the executive rest room
combin their hair


Rachel, Tell Me No

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Rachel Tell Me No

If you ever think I’m gonna fall if my
self-control ever starts to go
If I ever reach out to you
Rachel tell Me No

If I ever look far away
If I ever start to bare my soul
If I ever look deep in your eyes
Rachel Tell Me No

cH: Rachel tell me No
Rachel make me go
Rachel tell me Rachel Tell me
Rachel Tell me no

All this time you could have been mine
with the secrets that I know
For once I’m trying to do what’s right so
Rachel Tell Me No

Rachel baby you’re so young
you don’t see it but I’m so old
everything you dream I’ve already done so
Rachel tell me no

ch: Rachel tell me no
Rachel make me go
I’m no good I want it understood
Rachel tell me no

ch: Rachel tell me no
Racehl make me go
Rachel tell me Rachel tell me
Rachel tell me no
