Aint No Such Thing
As Too High To Fall
aint no place so low
you cant get there
if you crawl
Aint no bro’
so close you can’t play him down
’cause in the kingdom of Fools
only one can wear the crown
Ain’t no truth so pure
you can’t turn it to a lie
ain’t no love so deep
you can’t drain it ’til it’s dry
ain’t no flower so pretty
you cant crush it to the ground
in the Kingdom of Fools
only one can wear the crown
Aint no lie
that can ever make you see the truth
and your life til now
just so much living proof
Ain’t no one but you
can keep you from where you’re bound
‘Cause in the Kingdom of Fools
Only one can wear the crown
(C)2005, TK Major
2005 Jan 29