Little Blue Vacuum Cleaner

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The Finity Blues

Got yer little blue vacuum cleaner
got his paregoric got his Carolina* [own Dust Preener]
got that San Antone
Got that Dorothy Malone

ch: Got the finity blues
Walking round the city in his highway shoes
[got forever and got nothing to do
Got it all, got nothing to lose]

Everything he see he suck it right up
nothing left to do he turn on himself
everything that’s outside must be in
everything is known, you just begin again

[everything that’s outside must be in him
everything is known, or maybe it’s all just beginning

Got that Einstein Circular Space
got a little black hole–he want a big taste
Got the world inside his head
Where will it go when [he finds out he’s] he’s dead

Welcome to Samsara now go home
welcome to my universe–here, God is on the phone
You’re welcome to wonder what it’s all about
But please don’t try to tell me when you find out

(C) 1973,1996 TK Major
(Transcribed from memory with minor revisions Jan 2 1996)


aka The Finity Blues